Student brings fentanyl pills to school

On October 24th 2022 the Union County Sheriff’s Office received a report of suspected illegal pills located  by staff at the La Grande School District (Central School). A Deputy responded and located a pill bottle with a large amount of suspected Fentanyl pills contained inside. The pills were located in a seven-year-old students’ belongings. Upon further investigation the parents of the seven-year-old were contacted and interviewed regarding the suspected fentanyl pills. During the course of the investigation both parents of the seven-year-old were taken into custody.

(25-year-old) Troi Linn O’Quinn of La Grande was arrested and charged on the following charges:

(ORS 167.222) Frequenting a Place Where Controlled Substances Are Used.

(28-year-old) Attoway Reeder Davis of La Grande was arrested and charged on the following charges:

(ORS 167.222) Frequenting a Place Where Controlled Substances Are Used.

(ORS 163.575) Endangering the Welfare of a Minor.

(ORS 475.752) PCS Controlled Substances Fentanyl.

(ORS 163.195) Reckless Endangering.

The Department of Human Services was contacted for the safety of the children and are involved in the investigation.

This case is ongoing and still under investigation. No further details are available for release at this time.